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Welcome to our new interactive resource page.


We want you to be an active part of your SCWELCA website. We are in the process of revamping our website. We would like for you to contribute Bible Studies and resource materials that you have used and found meaningful.
In addition, are there activities that you have used and are willing to share with others? 

We are developing guidelines for the sharing of these items. We want these items to be user-friendly. Cindy McManus, our SCWELCA webmaster, will be posting these guidelines soon. So, start gathering up things to share. Also, reach out to the other ladies and let them know what we are doing on the website.

We are looking forward to collecting resources from ladies all over the state.
Remember, WE WANT YOU to share.

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There are four subpages in this section:

  • General Resources

    • Collection of resources from individuals, pastors, etc.​

  • Bible Study

    • Bible studies that can be used for group settings or individuals.​

  • Videos

    • This is a collection of Bible Study presentations, etc.​

  • Music

    • You will find a wonderful collection of music by inspiring individuals and groups.​


We are continuing to build these pages so check back often to see what we have that is new.

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